Groep Schagen en Hollands Kroon

H.E. Wilhen Nehomar Diaz Lara                                              postzegel Nederland
Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Churchillplein 5
2517 JW Den Haag
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(Plaats, datum)

Your Excellency,

I am deeply concerned over the critical situation of Guillermo Zárraga’s health at Yare II Prison, in Miranda state. Guillermo has been unfairly detained since 14 November 2020, when he was abruptly taken from his home in the middle of the night. He has since faced unfounded and politically motivated criminal charges.

The prison conditions Guillermo is enduring are inhumane. During his unfair imprisonment, he has suffered severe weight loss, cardiac episodes, and has recently fainted repeatedly due to very limited access to adequate food. Allegedly prison authorities are restricting detainees’ access to basic needs such as food, medicines and other basic convenience goods that made detention bearable.

Guillermo should be immediately released from his arbitrary detention. However, while he remains in custody of the state, I call upon you as representative of the state of Venezuela to ensure he has access to humane conditions, including adequate nutrition. He needs immediate and trusted medical care.

Yours sincerely,

(Naam, adres, The Netherlands)