Groep Schagen en Hollands Kroon

Mme Domine Banyankimbona                                      postzegel internaionaal
Ministre de la Justice
BP 1880 Bujumbura, Burundi

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(Plaats, datum)

Dear Minister, 

I am alarmed by the poor state of health of Dr Christophe Sahabo, who has been detained since 1 April 2022. His condition is potentially life-threatening and he needs urgent medical attention.

The authorities’ deliberate denial of health care, causing severe pain and suffering, amounts to torture and other ill-treatment under international law. Under Burundian law (Article 33 of the 2017 law on the penitentiary system), detainees who are unwell have the right to be transferred to a medical institution for specialized care that is not available at the prison on the recommendation of the prison doctor.

In light of the above, I urge you to ensure that Dr Christophe Sahabo immediately receives appropriate medical attention and has unfettered access to his family and lawyers.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I am looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

(Naam, adres)

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Ambassade van Burundi,
Mr. Stany Muhizi
Carnegielaan 4-14
2517 KH Den Haag

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